Dietitian Side Hustle: Getting Started

Are you ready to start the side hustle of your dreams? Episode 3 of the podcast is dedicated to getting started. I have also created the Getting Started Worksheet to get you focused and prepared to take the next steps… so that dream in your head doesn’t just remain a “good idea”, but becomes a reality.

The world needs what you have to offer! So get started dietitian side hustler!!

3 Things You Need to Know BEFORE Getting Started

You are the creator of your own destiny

Ask yourself:

  • What are you doing?
  • Why are you doing it?
  • How you are going to get there?

It’s so simple, so easy. But it takes intention.

How many of us talk about great ideas? A lot of us! But how many of us actually follow through? The reality is that we are not that unique and creative (what?!)- if we have a great idea, many others likely have a similar idea. It’s a matter of who is actually going to START first.

…What are you doing…

Before you start, sit down and brainstorm what it is you really want to do. Don’t know? Listen to episode 2 for inspiration.

Write down your ideas. Be specific.

…Why are you doing it…

This may be the most important step- if you don’t know your WHY, you’re not going to do it. 

Maybe you want to make more money? Transition out of a traditional job? Or maybe just have some fun?

…How you are going to get there…

Once you know your WHAT and WHY- you need a plan.

How are you going to get there? How will you make this happen? What goals do you have? What is your next step?

Just Start Dietitian Side Hustler

Getting Started Worksheet

This information is pretty basic, but the reality is every side hustle looks so different. But the bones of starting are the same. Grab your copy of the Getting Started Worksheet. Print it out, fill it out, dream big, and get started.

Don’t let perfectionism hinder your success or stop you from starting. Go against the type A grain and just start! The beauty of this is one day you will look back at where you started and see how much you have grown.

Now repeat after me:

  • I don’t have to be perfect.
  • But I do have to start.
  • I am enough and I’ve got this.

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